It's astonishing how quickly technology leaps - I bought an iPod nano when they first came out and was even then amazed by its simplicity and power. Now, only a few years later, and at roughly the same price, the iPod touch is effectively a pocket computer that, by the way, plays songs quite well. We bought this for my son (he saved up half and then got the rest for his birthday). It's pretty amazing. He uses it to plot our car routes, to check the weather, to look up information, and, of course, to play games and listen to music. I told him I remembered when my parents bought one of the old Apple II's and then IIe's and an early Mac. Now there's more power in his pocket than ever dreamed of in those older machines - which were pretty astonishing at the time.
Others have talked about the specs and capacities of this device so I won't add to that. Just adding my take: a handy, fun, and astonishingly powerful little device. Even better, it looks so good and feels so nice in the palm of the hand. It's beautifully designed. Highly recommended.
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